Transaction Receipt
You can view more details of a transaction as the Seller using the Pay ID or the Invoice ID of the transaction. When a transaction is competed on Peerwallet, the parties involved are able to view same receipts from the dashboard, this API call gives the Seller a remote information about a transaction.
The Pay ID is the unique code generated when creating the Payment link, or you can manually copy receipt ID from your dashboard to view more information about a transaction transaction.
End Point
Send your keys via headers
This is your private API Keys which can be found here.https://map.peerwa
Below are the POST values to send and their explanations on each field.
Invoice_id or pay_id
This is the pay id of the payment, this was generated when creating the link, it’s also the unique code at the end of every payment link. The invoice ID is the unique ID to locate your invoice, you can manually get this from the invoice from your dashboard or from the verify payment call.
Post Fields
Return Values Success Sample
"status": 200,
"payment_status":"Paid" ,
"invoice_id": "EUID90SKUI" ,
"receipt_id":"44EYW09E87" ,
"customer_email":"" ,
"selling_currency": "USD" ,
selling_amouunt": 30.21,
"selling_total_amount": 30.55 ,
"seller_currency": "GBP" ,
"seller_amount": 25.55 ,,
"seller_net_amount":25.1 ,
"payment_method": "Stripe" ,
"exchange_rate": 1.0212 ,,
"payment_mode": "API" ,
"payment_type": "P2P" ,
"fees_by": "sellers" ,
"merchant": "Sample Merchant" ,
"date_processed":1680322096 ,
"date_paid_failed": 1680333097 ,
"note": "Transaction fetched!"