When setting up your keys, your private key and public key should never be shared, if you want to integrate Peerwallet into your website or you want to accept payment via the payment link, then your API keys should be turned on. Below is how to set up your API Keys.
Setup your Private and Public keys. These keys should be different from each other.
PASSPHRASE: This is a unique ID generated as a custom API password. Turn this on to be able to use it, make sure the blue button is on
API FUNDS TRANSFER: Enable this to be able to make transfers via the API.
API VERIFY PAYMENT: Ensure the blue button is on if you want to verify your payment via the API.
API MODIFY OFFER: To modify offers via the API, turn this on.
API CREATE LINK: Enable this to be able to create a link via the API.
API STATUS: This is the general API status, if this is turned off nothing else will work. Ensure the blue button is on.